lines(container, [cb])

Returns a collection of all line objects in the given container. The container object can be a Document, Page, Layer, Group, Story, Text Frame or Paragraph. Please note that lines() refers to lines of text in a text frame. If you need to construct a geometric line on a page, use line() instead. If a callback function is given, lines() calls this callback function on each line object of the given container. When the callback function returns false, the loop stops and the lines() function returns an array of all lines up to this point.

Type: function


  • container {Document | Page | Layer | Group | Story | TextFrame | Paragraph | Line}:

    The document, page, layer, group, story, textFrame or paragraph instance to iterate the lines in.

  • cb {Function} Optional:

    Optional: The callback function to call with each line. When this function returns false the loop stops. Passed arguments: line, loopCount


  • {Lines | Array}:

    A collection or an array of Line objects.